Q: What does ND stand for?

A: Neurodivergent

Q: Is “crip” a bad word?

A: “Crip” and “cripping” are reclaimed terms like “queer.” By using these words, neurodivergent (ND) people and those with disabilities assert their own agency in the world: to determine how they will live, work, and love, to define whether their bodyminds need “fixing,” and so forth. It’s a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing.

Q: What is CripAntiquity all about?

A: CripAntiquity aims to support and promote ND and disabled teachers and students, primarily through activism within ancient history, ancient religions, Assyriology, classics, early Christianity, Egyptology, Judaic studies, Late Antiquity, medieval studies, Mediterranean archeology and art history, Near Eastern studies, and reception studies. We see ourselves allied with #DisMed, medievalists with disabilities.

Q: How is CripAntiquity organized?

A: Our leadership team is composed of ND/disabled teachers and students of ancient cultures. If you want to volunteer, contact us! Non-disabled and neurotypical allies welcome.

Q: What is antiquity/ancient studies?

A: Because modernity is a moving target, antiquity is hard define. It’s usually a term applied to the ancient Mediterranean, its contacts, and legacies. We consider “ancient studies” to also include global antiquities & medievalisms. All premodernists are welcome!

Q: Do I count as an “ancientist”?

A: If you are committed to antiquity artistically, professionally, through your activism, as a vocation, or by virtue of your past or present schooling, you belong with us.

Q: What are disability and neurodivergence?

A: Disabilities and neurodivergence are physical, mental, and cognitive; long and short-term; where we’re all heading if we live that long.

Q: But really, what are some of the identities CripAntiquity represents?

A: ADHD, Anxiety, autism, blindness, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, d/Deafness, depression, dyscalculia, dyslexia, IBS, low-vision, MS, pregnancy, PTSD, type 1 diabetes

Q: I’m not sure I count as disabled/neurodivergent. What do you think?

A: If you are socially disabled by what might be a disability, you have a disability. If you identify as neurodiverse/neurodivergent, that’s what you are. We don’t check credentials.

Q: Why do ND and disabled ancientists need their own organization? Isn’t this a problem with society/academia?

A: As an academic profession, the study of antiquity reflects broader problems in society and academia. But the macho cultures of our fields exacerbate these problems. Ancient studies define themselves as extremely “rigorous,” usually because of the language study involved. But rigor often translates to excludion of everyone EXCEPT white, non-disabled, neurotypical, financially secure, dependentless cishet men. ND and disabled ancientists need a support structure to endure this marginalization and make our unique contributions to the world.